Regulating transformers as auto-transformers as well as isolating transformers for direct and stepless adjustment of the voltage level, for example in instrument construction or in the laboratory.


As single winding transformers
As isolation transformers
With/without enclosures
As laboratory models


Power up to 32 A
Power 0 … 400 V
Various accessories available (knobs, mounting kits)


Voltage: 0 … 400 V
Power: Up to 32 A

As single winding transformers
As isolation transformers
With / without enclosures
As laboratory model
Various accessories available(knobs, mounting kits)

Detailed Typelist
Typelist of Knobs



1*: Separate isolated windings
2*: Autotransformer
3*: Without enclosures
4*: With enclosures
5*: Separate isolated windings

Order number 1*2*3*4*5* U prim U sec I nom I max Core size
2422 529 00008 1; 3 220/230V 0-262/274V 3 E7.1
2422 529 00017 1; 5 220/230V 0-262/274V 3 E7.1
2422 530 90032 2; 3 42V 0-42V 2.5 3 E1.1
2422 530 90031 2; 3 42V 0-42V 4 4.8 E2
2422 530 22307 2; 3 127V 0-150V 2.5 3 E3.1
2422 530 10407 2; 3 220/230V 0-220/230V 0.5 0.6 E1.1
2422 530 01407 2; 3 220/230V 0-240/251V 0.7 0.83 E2
2422 530 11407 2; 3 220/230V 0-220/230V 0.83 1 E2
2422 530 22407 2; 3 220/230V 0-260/272V 1 1.25 E3.1
2422 530 22411 2; 4 220/230V 0-260/272V 1 1.25 E3.1
2422 530 08407 2; 3 220/230V 0-260/272V 1.2 1.4 E3
2422 530 18407 2; 3 220/230V 0-220/230V 1.4 1.7 E3
2422 530 03407 2; 3 220/230V 0-260/272V 2 2.4 E4
2422 530 13407 2; 3 220/230V 0-220/230V 2.5 3 E4
2422 530 23407 2; 3 220/230V 0-260/272V 2.5 3 E4
2422 530 23411 2; 4 220/230 0-260/272 2 E
2422 530 90038 2; 3 220/230 0-260/272 2 E4.
2422 530 90024 2; 3 220/230V 0-220/230V 4 4.8 E5
2422 530 90028 2; 3 220/230V 0-253/264V 4.5 5 E6
2422 530 90027 2; 3 220/230V 0-220/230V 5 6 E6
2422 530 04407 2; 3 220/230V 0-260/272V 5 6 E6.1
2422 530 04411 2; 4 220/230V 0-260/272V 5 6 E6.1
2422 530 05407 2; 3 220/230V 0-260/272V 8.5 11.2 E7
2422 530 25411 2; 4 220/230V 0-260/272V 8.5 11.2 E7
2422 530 25415 2; 5 220/230V 0-260/272V 8.5 11.2 E7.2
2422 530 15407 2; 3 220/230V 0-220/230V 10 12 E7
2422 530 06407 2; 3 220/230V 0-260/272V 12 15 E8
2422 530 16407 2; 3 220/230V 0-220/230V 15 18 E8
2422 530 90067 2; 3 220/230V 0-220/230V 18 21.5 E8.1
2422 530 07407 2; 3 220/230V 0-260/272V 23 30 E10
2422 530 07411 2; 4 220/230V 0-260/272V 23 30 E10
2422 530 17507 2; 3 240V 0-220/230V 32 36 E10
2422 530 03507 2; 3 240V 0-260V 2 2.4 E4
2422 530 04507 2; 3 240V 0-270V 5 6.3 E6.1
2422 530 04511 2; 4 240V 0-270V 5 6.3 E6.1
2422 530 07507 2; 3 240V 0-260V 23 30 E10
2422 530 90071 2; 3 380/400V 0-380/400V 4 4.8 E7
2422 530 90072 2; 3 380/400V 0-380/400V 8 9.6 E8.1
2422 530 90073 2; 3 380/400V 0-380/400V 12 14.4 E10